“ A circus is in town and while parading down the main street the animals suddenly break free from the cages. After surviving and assisting during the breakout the PCs are hired to help with the investigation. Who did this and why?”
“ In the harbour of a major city a large and terrifying ship made of human nails docks. Nobody seems to inhabit this ominous vessel, someone needs to go on board and unveil the mystery. In comes the PCs.”
“ Dust Elemental
At the corner of air and earth elemental planes resides the dust Elemental, a growing threat to Parisia. With it's powerful choking attack, this creature is a threat to the city. More and more of them are appearing in town, spawned from the many dust devils, a frequent foe of the party, they come in size from 3 HD to 20 HD. Why are there so many? Why in the city?”