L3 Wiz
As I walk through devastated landscape only one thought burns in my head. Revenge.I was a normal adventuring wizard, dungeon delving and putting out innocents fires. Ha, fire.After years of trying to find out what happened, the truth is unfolding for me, a second word has entered my vocabulary. Castinlig. a name put to the scorched earth. The one who did this.
He was too powerful and too greedy.He summoned the king of the djinn and a supposedly perfect wish w incredible power behind it. Fire ball now has a 100 mile radius and is locked at 7d6. I didn't know this when I cast it for the first time in days. My party was wiped out and I would have been too except my ring of total fire resistance saved me. But not my friends.
I scavenge for food and a potions, really all I can and have to do.I will find him.
( a solo game for a l7 wiz)”
“ Ursula is a were-bear; she and Stewart, the bailiff of a rural feudal estate, are lovers, sharing all their secrets as lovers often do. Recently something has been taking livestock. *He* must deal with suspicions that a bear is involved (one has been seen nearby...): *she* must defend herself if it is revealed (perhaps by a jealous suitor, perhaps accidentally) that she is a lycanthrope. The adventurers might be called in to track the hungry beast(s) and discover her secret, but be able to reveal that the culprits are a small pack of wolves that has moved in to the area. The adventurers might earn the gratitude of both Ursula and Stewart, depending on what they reveal, and to whom.”