“ This powerful Serpent man has 4 different poison sacks that can only be triggered individually
Poison of Frequent Death> on a failed save, does D12 damage
Poison of the deadly Soul Mate> Charm person on a failed save
Poison of the Fire Within> On a failed save the victim is filled w hate and rage and is only capable of melee attacks
Poison of the Stil Stone> on a failed save, victim is paralyzed.
all poison attacks also do d6 bite damage
in addition to a bite attack , they can do a 2d4 constriction attack
8 hit die
ac 1
move 6”
“ In a warrior based society, when you make a threat of violence or death towards another, you had better be prepared to back it up with your weapons. Because this is considered an implied challenge to combat and should the person who you threatened call you out on it, it constitutes as accepting this challenge. Trying to back out at this point is considered cowardice and results in being disgraced.”
“ As far as everyone knows, the Maze has always been there; the strange pair of gates set in the side of a mountain a common feature in every painting of the area, no matter how ancient. One white, one red, nobody knows what they're made of but they resist any attempt to damage them; they're always slightly cool to the touch no matter the weather, they have a very reflective surface, and if you look at them in a bright light, sometimes it looks as if they glow on their own.
The important thing is what's on the other side of them, of course. The Maze itself is a strange place where the normal rules are suspended, and its own set takes their place. It's a place filled with puzzles and riddles, monsters and traps; it's always consistent with itself in any single run but is never the same two times around, and sometimes you could swear it has a sadistic streak, delighting in tricking the unwary adventurer.
It is a dangerous place, as so many people will rush to tell you; most people who go in never come out, and even those who do usually end up scarred for life. They also bring out with them enormous piles of riches, which is why people keep going in anyway.”